House System

House System

The house system is a traditional feature of British schools. Though historically associated with boarding schools, where a student’s “house” was also his dormitory, it more broadly indicates a basic grouping of pupils. This system was designed to organize and enrich student life while allowing older students to assume leadership amongst their peers. Because of this, house systems are gaining increased attention among universities, public and private schools (classical Christian schools in particular).


The House System gives you a “family group” within the school. Each House contains students of different grades and ages.

The goal for the houses is for the students to learn to live in community with each other as they care for each other and compete together against the other houses. Houses are led by upperclass students as part of how they earn their leadership points. 

House-planned Community Service Projects 

What is your House interested in? Once a quarter we’ll skip the afternoon of lab day to participate in community service projects, and you will plan the details for the whole school to help your house in the outreach of your choice.

From sorting clothes at Low Country Orphan Relief to helping Habitat for Humanity build a house or reading to younger classes at an area school, whatever your house plans, we’ll come as a school to serve with you!

House Small Group

House small group meetings are a safe place to share your highs and your lows. We will strive to make the House meetings a safe place to learn to live in community.

Your House will support you, cheer you on and pray for you when life is hard or you have something to celebrate. Houses meet every Wednesday morning for House Chapel.

House to House Competitions

Houses compete against each other in multiple fun competitions including which house can bring in the tastiest brownies, cheer the loudest, or win in Pool Noodle Hockey?

We strive to ensure that competition among the houses is friendly and fun and gives the winners boasting rights for the rest of the day.