What makes Hope Scholars Academy unique?

A Christian environment with a Christian worldview imbued in every class. We are distinctly Christian, yet widely non-denominational. We believe that all truth is God's truth and we are seekers of truth under the authority of Scripture and the historic teaching of the Church. We understand the importance of establishing a Biblical worldview in our students' minds so they can keep the faith in a changing world.

Hope Scholars is a Classically inspired school with an understanding of the value of
the ancient path as one that brings light and guidance to our post-modern world. The curriculum is set with the Trivium in mind. The students wrestle with texts including The Odyssey, Dante, Shakespeare, and Martin Luther as source materials for their interactive, discussion-based learning. History, English (Literature and Composition), and Bible classes are woven together to provide scaffolding for integrated learning. Logic and rhetoric are taught as an important part of the curriculum. Synthesis occurs as students carry over the learning from one discipline to another.

Teachers and parents are cooperative partners in the education and discipleship of the students. Experienced teachers provide clear accountability, weekly assignment sheets, and all tests and grades. Parents remain the primary influencers involved in their student's education--exchanging the teacher hat for the role of a coach. This encourages student ownership and a strong work ethic in preparation for college or future careers. The early years (8th and 9th grade) require more parental involvement; then as the child grows, the parental involvement changes from management to encouragement.

Intentional community is built among the students of all ages and grades. This occurs through C.S. Lewis Narnian Houses which meet weekly for a House Chapel, and through community service and competitions throughout the semester. Family community is built through a variety of family events. These include Mom’s Night Out, Family Game Night, Field Day and Beach Day. Our ManUp monthly event bonds fathers and sons together. Spiritual Community occurs through the day-long retreats held each semester.

The Only University-Model® Hybrid Christian High School in Charleston, SC.
Hope Scholars Academy combines the benefits of an academically strong private school with the flexibility of independent home study days. This model has proven to be successful at preparing students for the independence and rigor of college level work.
Independent Learning Lab (4- or 5-Day Options)
Students come to campus on their “at home” days to study independently but in community. A learning lab environment is provided and staffed by Hope Scholars Academy teachers. A modified school schedule is kept with study time, breaks, lunch and intramural sports.

Homeschool Co-op Classes
Qualified homeschool students in the Charleston area are invited to apply for our Co-Op Classes. Students attend classes on campus two days per week studying under professional faculty. Faculty are responsible for syllabi, off-campus assignments, projects, and final exams. Classes are full year classes with one high school credit awarded.
Hope Scholars Academy admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin and does not discriminate in the administration of its educational, admissions, tuition assistance, employment policies, or any other school program.
Please contact us for the latest tuition rates and scholarship information. 35% of our student body currently receive financial aid.