Shaping Minds
Hope Scholars Academy is committed to the Classical Trivium in our curriculum and teaching. We see 8th grade as the transitional year between Grammar and Logic. 9th and 10th grade years have a focus on Logic. 11th and 12th grade years make the turn to Rhetoric in both style and substance of teaching.
We utilize the Socratic method of teaching encouraging discussion throughout the subjects. Several teachers use the Harkness method of instruction, this propels the students to prepare material at home then come to class ready to initiate and lead discussion.
We are intentionally small with class sizes not to exceed 12-14 students per class. This allows every student to have a hands-on learning experience and time to ask questions and receive the help needed. Teachers know their students and can tailor the learning experience to the needs of the class.
Hope Scholars Academy offers a distinctly Christian education with a Biblical worldview and spiritual discipleship woven throughout.

Dual Enrollment
Hope Scholars Academy has Strategic Affiliation Agreements with Liberty University and Charleston Southern University. These agreements allow us to provide our students with college-level courses at renowned Christian Universities. Hope Scholars Academy students enrolled in the eleventh and twelfth grades with a grade point average of at least 3.0 are eligible for dual enrollment classes. Some classes are internet based and completed on campus in a guided study hall. Others are completed on campus with an adjusted schedule.
Awards won
Our students have won these awards:
- Elks Club Most Valuable Person
- Summerville Mayors Award
- Palmetto Fellows Award
- National Honors Society
- Presidential Scholarship - Wheaton College
- Presidential Scholarship - Anderson University
- Presidential Scholarship - Charleston Southern University
- Presidential Scholarship - Covenant College
- Runner-Up Herzog Foundation Bill of Rights Essay Contest

Graduates of Hope Scholars Academy School and Co-op Have Been Accepted Into These Colleges
- Anderson College
- Charleston Southern University
- Clemson University
- Columbia International University
- Covenant College, Georgia
- University of Alaska, Anchorage
- University of South Carolina
- Wheaton College
From the Head of School
I believe that high school students have the ability and responsibility to be world-changers; now and in their future. Our teachers strive to equip each student with a deep knowledge of history, an awareness of the culture around them, and a love for their neighbor. They seek to awaken in each student a desire to love God with their whole heart and serve Him in all they do. Focusing on a Christ-centered life of discipleship will help students keep all things in perspective as they learn from the past, analyze the present and prepare for the future.